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Gaadys 2023 Winner

Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker

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Equalize Digital: Accessibility Checker


Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker is an open-source, free WordPress plugin that helps developers and content creators make their websites accessible to people with disabilities. The plugin includes WordPress-specific rules that allow users to scan, monitor, and report on the accessibility status of their website in real-time as content, themes, and plugins are updated.

The plugin is designed to be affordable and accessible to everyone, including small businesses and individuals with limited budgets. The free version of the plugin includes unlimited scanning of posts and pages, and there are no per-page fees or API credits. The plugin also works even on basic shared hosting, making it a viable option for websites of all sizes.

In addition to helping users find accessibility problems, the Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker comes with extensive documentation on how users can fix the issues that have been identified. This makes it an excellent teaching tool for learning web accessibility.

The plugin was developed with the input of WordPress users, developers, accessibility professionals, and screen reader users. The development team is committed to making the plugin accessible from day one, and they have taken steps to ensure that the reports are designed for keyboard navigation and proper color contrast. The plugin also has a VPAT ( Voluntary Product Accessibility Template ) that outlines its accessibility features and compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA.

The Team

Equalize Digital


Information Technology